You can also take advantage of the VMware VMotion feature to move a virtual machine from one physical server to another with no downtime. 还可以利用VMwareVMotion特性在物理服务器之间转移虚拟机,而不需要停机。
Plug and Play Helps to Minimize Machine Downtime 即插即用功能缩短机器停工时间
The numerical controlled machine is one kind of process control equipment, any part of the fault and failure, will cause the machine downtime, resulting in the production came to a standstill and constraints seriously affect production efficiency. 数控机床是一种过程控制设备,任何部分的故障与失效,都会使机床停机,造成生产停顿,严重影响和制约生产效率的提高。因此,对于数控系统装置进行诊断维修是极为必要的。
CNC machine tool failures are common problems that seriously affect the quality and accuracy of the workpiece in the CNC machining process. Tool failure resulting in downtime will also affect the processing efficiency. 数控机床刀具故障是数控机床加工过程中常见问题,这些问题严重影响加工工件的质量和精度,刀具故障导致的停机影响加工生产的效率。
The algorithm is used by the open-source virtual machine monitor Xen, which can reduce the downtime to the millisecond. 该算法被开源虚拟机监视器Xen所采用,其停机时间可缩短到毫秒级。
In our experiment on the data from a real cluster environment, we found that the automatically generated policy finally saves 10% machine downtime. 在我们的实验中,基于真实的机群系统环境产生的恢复数据,我们发现自动生成的恢复策略最终能节省10%的恢复时间。